Stops |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
Riverchase Blvd 32 |
111th Ave N 33 |
104th Ave N 34 |
99th Ave N 35 |
93rd Ave N 36 |
Vanderbilt Bch 37 |
Pelican Bay Bd 38 |
Gulf Park Dr 39 |
Pelican Bay S 40 |
Pine Ridge Rd 41 |
Neopolitan Way 42 |
Park Shore 43 |
Park Shore Dr 44 |
Anchor Rode Dr 45 |
Harbour Dr 46 |
Mooring Line Dr 47 |
Fleischmann Bd 52 |
Banyan Blvd 53 |
7th Ave N 54 |
4th Ave N 55 |
Central Ave 56 |
3rd Ave S 57 |
10th St S 58 |
River Point Dr 59 |
Sandpiper St 60 |
Palm St 61 |
Pine St 62 |
River Dr 63 |
GOVT Center 1 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Andrew Dr 2 |
Shadowlawn Dr 3 |
Commercial Dr 4 |
Frederick St 5 |
Davis Blvd 6 |
Goodlette-Frank 7 |
10th St 8 |
3rd Ave S 9 |
1st Ave N 527 |
3rd Ave N 10 |
5th Ave N 11 |
8th Ave N 12 |
12th Ave N 13 |
Fleishmann Blvd 513 |
Golden Gate Pkw 14 |
Diana Ave 15 |
26th Ave N 16 |
Creech Rd 528 |
Ohio Dr 17 |
Michigan Ave 18 |
Shady Rest Ln 19 |
Granada Blvd 20 |
Pine Ridge Rd 21 |
Center St 22 |
Myrtle Rd 23 |
Ridge Dr 24 |
Pelican Bay Bd 25 |
VanderbiltBeach 26 |
Mercato 27 |
Pelican Marsh 28 |
104th Ave N 29 |
108th Ave N 30 |
US 41 31 |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
Goodlette 452 |
SW Health Pkwy 92 |
Veterans Park 93 |
Cypress Way E 94 |
Immokalee Rd 95 |
Winding Oaks 96 |
Nottingham Dr 97 |
Pelican Marsh 98 |
Vanderbilt Bch 99 |
Vanderbilt Rd 100 |
Orange Blossom 101 |
Arbour Walk Cir 102 |
C Blvd 103 |
Naples Blvd 104 |
Pine Ridge Cr 105 |
Clubhouse Dr 106 |
Pine Wood Cir 107 |
Poinciana Dr 108 |
Poinciana Elem 109 |
Golden Gate Pkw 110 |
Longboat Dr 111 |
Horseshoe Dr 112 |
Prospect Ave 113 |
Radio Rd 114 |
North Rd (DMV) 115 |
Estey Ave 116 |
Connecticut Ave 117 |
Glades Blvd 118 |
US 41 119 |
GOVT Center 1 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Davis Blvd 69 |
Hibiscus Ave 70 |
North Rd (DMV) 71 |
Radio Rd 72 |
Enterprise Ave 73 |
Progress Ave 74 |
Poinciana Elem 75 |
Grey Oaks Blvd 76 |
Europa Dr 77 |
Carillon Place 78 |
YMCA Rd 79 |
Ardisia Ln 80 |
C Blvd 81 |
Lone Oak Blvd 82 |
Orange Blossom 83 |
Vanderbilt Bch 84 |
Tiburon Blvd E 85 |
Pelican Marsh 86 |
Curling Ave 87 |
Medical Blvd 89 |
North Collier 90 |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Airport Pulling 120 |
Shadowlawn Dr 121 |
Brookside Dr 122 |
Davis Blvd 6 |
Goodlette-Frank 7 |
10th St 8 |
CVS Pharmacy 457 |
1st Ave S 458 |
NCH 465 |
5th Ave N 11 |
8th Ave N 12 |
12th Ave N 13 |
Fleishmann Blvd 513 |
10th St N 162 |
10th St N 162 |
Fleischman Park 163 |
14th Ave N 128 |
7th Ave N 127 |
5th Ave N 126 |
Central Ave 529 |
3rd Ave S 125 |
River Point Dr 59 |
Sandpiper St 60 |
Palm St 61 |
Pine St 62 |
US 41 129 |
Shoreview Dr 130 |
Van Buren Ave 131 |
Windstar Blvd 451 |
Bayshore Dr 132 |
E Naples Park 133 |
Lombardy Ln 134 |
Hammock Cove 135 |
Rattlesnake Rd 136 |
Lakewood Blvd 137 |
Guilford Rd 138 |
Naples Towne Ct 247 |
Walmart US 41 139 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Coastland Mall 50 |
10th St N 51 |
Fleischmann Bd 52 |
Banyan Blvd 53 |
7th Ave N 54 |
US 41 453 |
8th St N 456 |
Central Ave 454 |
3rd Ave S 455 |
10th St S 58 |
River Point Dr 59 |
Sandpiper St 60 |
US 41 158 |
Commercial Dr 159 |
Shadowlawn Dr 160 |
Connecticut Ave 117 |
Glades Blvd 118 |
US 41 119 |
GOVT Center 1 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Espinal Blvd 219 |
Palm Dr 140 |
Guilford Rd 141 |
Lakewood Blvd 147 |
Thomasson Ln 146 |
US 41 145 |
Xeric Ln 144 |
Lombardy Ln 143 |
Verity Ln 142 |
Bayshore Dr 152 |
Jeepers Dr 151 |
Van Buren Ave 150 |
Sabal Ct 149 |
US 41 148 |
Shadowlawn Dr 3 |
Commercial Dr 4 |
Frederick St 5 |
Davis Blvd 6 |
3rd Ave S 157 |
Central Ave 156 |
5th Ave N 155 |
10th AVE N 154 |
Goodlette Post 153 |
Coastland Mall 50 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Davis Blvd 69 |
Hibiscus Ave 70 |
North Rd (DMV) 71 |
Airport Rd 166 |
Donna St 167 |
Livingston Rd 173 |
San Marcos Blvd 174 |
Manor Blvd 175 |
Countryside Dr 176 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Radio Lane 508 |
Radio Rd 178 |
Robin Hood Cir 181 |
Sanctuary Dr 510 |
Gabriel Cir 515 |
Berkshire Pine 514 |
Berkshire Rd 203 |
Recreation Ln 204 |
Golden Gate Pk 202 |
Golden Gate N 201 |
26th Ave SW 200 |
Coronado Pkwy 199 |
Sea Grass Ln 198 |
Hunter Blvd 197 |
17th Ave Sw 196 |
Santa Babara Bd 195 |
Waverly Pl 194 |
Waverly Pl 194 |
Whistlers Green 193 |
17th Ave SW 192 |
18th Ct SW 191 |
20th Pl SW 190 |
Golden Gate Pkw 189 |
Coronado Pkwy 188 |
50th St SW 187 |
Golden Gate 186 |
55th St SW 185 |
Golden Gate Pkw 184 |
Prince Adrew Bd 183 |
Devonshire Blvd 182 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Radio Rd 178 |
Radio Lane 508 |
Robin Hood Cir 181 |
Sanctuary Dr 510 |
Gabriel Cir 515 |
Berkshire Pine 514 |
Berkshire Comm 172 |
Tina Ln 171 |
San Marcos Blvd 170 |
Livingston Rd 169 |
Commercial Blvd 168 |
Industrial Blvd 165 |
Airport Rd 164 |
North Rd (DMV) 115 |
Estey Ave 116 |
Connecticut Ave 117 |
Glades Blvd 118 |
US 41 119 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Waverly Pl 194 |
Whistlers Green 193 |
17th Ave SW 192 |
18th Ct SW 191 |
20th Pl SW 190 |
Golden Gate Pkw 189 |
Coronado Pkwy 188 |
50th St SW 187 |
Golden Gate 186 |
55th St SW 185 |
Golden Gate Pkw 184 |
Prince Adrew Bd 183 |
Devonshire Blvd 182 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Logan Ct 214 |
16th Pl SW 215 |
Hunter Blvd 216 |
Seagrass Ln 217 |
Copper Leaf Ln 218 |
Golden Gate Pkw 184 |
Prince Adrew Bd 183 |
Devonshire Blvd 182 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Davis Blvd 69 |
Hibiscus Ave 70 |
North Rd (DMV) 71 |
Airport Rd 166 |
Donna St 167 |
Livingston Rd 173 |
San Marcos Blvd 174 |
Manor Blvd 175 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Countryside Dr 176 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Radio Lane 508 |
Radio Rd 178 |
Robin Hood Cir 181 |
Sanctuary Dr 510 |
Gabriel Cir 515 |
Berkshire Pine 514 |
Berkshire Rd 203 |
Recreation Ln 204 |
Golden Gate Pk 202 |
53rd St SW 205 |
50th St SW 206 |
Coronado 207 |
Golden Gate Pkw 208 |
20th Pl SW 209 |
Sunset Rd 210 |
16th Pl SW 211 |
Whistlers Green 212 |
Waverly Pl 213 |
Logan Ct 214 |
Logan Ct 214 |
16th Pl SW 215 |
Hunter Blvd 216 |
Seagrass Ln 217 |
Copper Leaf Ln 218 |
Golden Gate Pkw 184 |
Prince Adrew Bd 183 |
Devonshire Blvd 182 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Radio Lane 508 |
Radio Rd 178 |
Robin Hood Cir 181 |
Sanctuary Dr 510 |
Gabriel Cir 515 |
Berkshire Pine 514 |
Berkshire Comm 172 |
Tina Ln 171 |
San Marcos Blvd 170 |
Livingston Rd 169 |
Commercial Blvd 168 |
Industrial Blvd 165 |
Airport Rd 164 |
North Rd (DMV) 115 |
Estey Ave 116 |
Connecticut Ave 117 |
Glades Blvd 118 |
US 41 119 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Super Walmart 235 |
US41 610 |
Veronawalk Blvd 259 |
Sabal Palm Rd 260 |
Phys. Regional 231 |
951 261 |
College Pk Ln 262 |
Parkers Hammock 641 |
Parker Hammock 558 |
Mandalay Cir 561 |
Huntington Wood 263 |
Royal Wood Blvd 264 |
County Barn Rd 265 |
Charlemagne Bd 266 |
Rivera Blvd 562 |
Hawaii Blvd 267 |
Rattlesnake Rd 136 |
Lakewood Blvd 137 |
Guilford Rd 138 |
Naples Towne Ct 247 |
Walmart US 41 139 |
GOVT Center 1 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Espinal Blvd 219 |
Palm Dr 140 |
Guilford Rd 141 |
Lakewood Blvd 147 |
Thomasson Ln 146 |
Hawaii Blvd 220 |
Doral Cir 221 |
Charlemagne Blv 222 |
County Barn Rd 223 |
Augusta Blvd 224 |
Lely Manor Care 225 |
Grand Lely Dr 557 |
Grand Lely Dr 642 |
FSW-Building A 554 |
FSW-Health 555 |
College Park Ln 226 |
951 227 |
Lely Cultural 228 |
Grand Lely Dr 232 |
Freedom Square 237 |
Price St 436 |
US 41 533 |
Super Walmart 235 |
Health Dept 398 |
E Main St 619 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Carver St 362 |
Randall Blvd 281 |
13th Ave SW 293 |
20th Pl SW 295 |
Golden Gate Pkw 296 |
Magnolia Pond 297 |
Madrid Cir 298 |
Radio Rd 299 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Camp Keais 681 |
Ave Maria IB 680 |
Arthrex Dr 652 |
Everglades Blvd 578 |
Hawthorn Rd 579 |
Palmetto Ridge 580 |
Corkscrew 581 |
24th Ave NW 289 |
14th Ave NW 676 |
Golden Gate Bd 290 |
13th St 291 |
21st St NW 630 |
Big Cypress Elm 532 |
Weber Blvd 292 |
Green Blvd 664 |
Radio Rd 522 |
Cedar Hammock 483 |
Wildwood Lakes 300 |
Santa Barbara 301 |
Glen Eagle Blvd 302 |
Ospreys Landing 303 |
Kings Way 304 |
Kings Way 305 |
Lakewood Blvd 306 |
Pine Acre 307 |
Connecticut Ave 117 |
Glades Blvd 118 |
US 41 119 |
Health Dept 398 |
E Main St 619 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Carver St 362 |
Randall Blvd 281 |
Tree Farm Rd IB 568 |
20th Pl SW 295 |
Golden Gate Pkw 296 |
Magnolia Pond 297 |
Madrid Cir 298 |
Radio Rd 299 |
CAT OPS 161 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Airport Rd 268 |
Lakewood Blvd 269 |
Kings Way 270 |
W Crown Pointe 530 |
E Crowne Pointe 271 |
Heritage Trail 272 |
Unity Way 273 |
Firano Dr 274 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Market St 123 |
City Gate Blvd 275 |
17th Ave Sw 276 |
Weber Blvd 277 |
Big Cypress Elm 531 |
21st St SW 631 |
Estates Library 278 |
Golden Gate Bd 279 |
14th Ave NE 675 |
24th Ave NE 280 |
Randall Blvd 288 |
Randall Blvd 629 |
Orange Tree Bd 282 |
Oil Well Rd 283 |
Orange Grove Tr 574 |
Victory Ln 575 |
Tangelo Dr 576 |
Oil Well Rd 577 |
Arthrex Dr 651 |
Ave Maria OB 679 |
Stockade Rd 559 |
Seminole Casino 285 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
Pine St 326 |
Health Dept 398 |
Tree Farm Rd 563 |
Tuscany Cove 584 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Radio Lane 508 |
Radio Rd 178 |
Robin Hood Cir 181 |
Sanctuary Dr 510 |
Gabriel Cir 515 |
Berkshire Pine 514 |
Berkshire Rd 203 |
Recreation Ln 204 |
Golden Gate Pk 202 |
Golden Gate N 201 |
26th Ave SW 200 |
54th Terrace SW 541 |
52nd Terrace SW 542 |
GG Community 564 |
Hunter Blvd 543 |
54th Terrace SW 540 |
Coronado Pkwy 199 |
Sea Grass Ln 198 |
Hunter Blvd 197 |
17th Ave Sw 196 |
Tallwood Way 311 |
Vineyards Blvd 316 |
Phys. Reg 317 |
Whippoorwill Ln 487 |
Livingston Rd 488 |
Summerwind Dr 489 |
Grand Cypress 490 |
YMCA Rd 79 |
Hollywood Dr 546 |
Hollywood Dr 547 |
Pine Ridge 492 |
Panther Ln 471 |
Panther Ln 471 |
Forest Lake Bd 493 |
Hollywood Dr 544 |
Hollywood Dr 545 |
Naples Blvd 104 |
Carillon Place 495 |
Kensington Park 496 |
La Costa Cir 497 |
Livingston Rd 498 |
Whipporwill Ln 499 |
Napa Blvd 500 |
Dogwood Way 312 |
16th Pl SW 215 |
Hunter Blvd 216 |
Seagrass Ln 217 |
54th Terrace SW 541 |
52nd Terrace SW 542 |
GG Community 564 |
Hunter Blvd 543 |
54th Terrace SW 540 |
Copper Leaf Ln 218 |
Golden Gate Pkw 184 |
Prince Adrew Bd 183 |
Devonshire Blvd 182 |
Santa Clara Dr 177 |
Plantation Cir 462 |
Sabal Lakes Dr 463 |
Madison Park 464 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Super Walmart 319 |
Lely Cultural 228 |
Grand Lely Dr 232 |
US 41 639 |
US 41 533 |
Super Walmart 235 |
Manatee Rd 435 |
Shell Island Rd 511 |
Isle of Capri 521 |
N Barfield Dr 433 |
E Elkcam Cir 432 |
W Elkcam Cir 449 |
Saturn Ct 450 |
San Marco Rd 445 |
Maple Ave 517 |
Marriott 421 |
Hilton Marco 420 |
Winterberry Dr 518 |
Sandpiper 419 |
Swallow Ave 519 |
S Collier Blvd 516 |
951 and Winterberry 678 |
951 and Winterberry 678 |
Winterberry Dr 446 |
Marriott 447 |
San Marco Rd 124 |
Saturn Ct 415 |
Caribbean Ct 448 |
W Elkcam Cir 414 |
Bald Eagle Dr 413 |
E Elkcam Cir 412 |
N Barfield Dr 411 |
Isle of Capri 520 |
Mainsail Dr 538 |
Port Au Prince 512 |
Manatee Rd 410 |
Henderson Creek 409 |
Super Walmart 235 |
US41 610 |
Veronawalk Blvd 259 |
Sabal Palm Rd 260 |
Super Walmart 319 |
951 and Winterberry 678 |
Winterberry Dr 446 |
Marriott 447 |
San Marco Rd 124 |
Saturn Ct 415 |
Caribbean Ct 448 |
W Elkcam Cir 414 |
Bald Eagle Dr 413 |
E Elkcam Cir 412 |
N Barfield Dr 411 |
Isle of Capri 520 |
Mainsail Dr 538 |
Port Au Prince 512 |
Manatee Rd 410 |
Henderson Creek 409 |
Super Walmart 235 |
US41 610 |
Veronawalk Blvd 259 |
Sabal Palm Rd 260 |
Super Walmart 319 |
CAT OPS 161 |
Roberts Center 353 |
Roberts Ave 621 |
W Main St 354 |
Boston Ave 355 |
Colorado Ave 356 |
W Delaware Ave 357 |
Palmetto Ave 623 |
Stokes Ave 404 |
S 5th St North 405 |
Willie Harper 406 |
S 5th St S 407 |
Career Service 408 |
W Delaware Ave 358 |
Colorado Ave 359 |
W Main St 360 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Fahrney St 662 |
Eustis Ave 658 |
Jones St 663 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
Dollar General 686 |
11th St 365 |
New Harvest Rd 367 |
Farm Worker Way 674 |
Chadwick Cir 668 |
Agriculture Way 669 |
Farm Worker Way 321 |
Farm Workers 534 |
New Harvest Rd 323 |
New Harvest Rd 399 |
CR846 324 |
9th St E 325 |
Pine St 326 |
Health Dept 398 |
Health Dept 398 |
E Main St 619 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Carver St 362 |
39th Ave NE 286 |
Oil Well Rd 287 |
Randall Blvd 281 |
24th Ave NW 289 |
14th Ave NW 676 |
Golden Gate Bd 290 |
13th St 291 |
21st St NW 630 |
Big Cypress Elm 532 |
Weber Blvd 292 |
13th Ave SW 293 |
Green Blvd 664 |
20th Pl SW 295 |
Golden Gate Pkw 296 |
Magnolia Pond 297 |
Madrid Cir 298 |
Radio Rd 299 |
CAT OPS 161 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Airport Pulling 68 |
Great Blue Dr 67 |
Glades Blvd 64 |
Airport Rd 268 |
Lakewood Blvd 269 |
Kings Way 270 |
W Crown Pointe 530 |
E Crowne Pointe 271 |
Heritage Trail 272 |
Unity Way 273 |
Firano Dr 274 |
Market St 123 |
City Gate Blvd 275 |
17th Ave Sw 276 |
Weber Blvd 277 |
Big Cypress Elm 531 |
21st St SW 631 |
Estates Library 278 |
Golden Gate Bd 279 |
14th Ave NE 675 |
24th Ave NE 280 |
Randall Blvd 288 |
Randall Blvd 629 |
Orange Tree Bd 282 |
Oil Well Rd 283 |
39th Ave NE 284 |
Stockade Rd 559 |
Seminole Casino 285 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
11th St 365 |
New Harvest Rd 367 |
Farm Worker Way 674 |
Chadwick Cir 668 |
Agriculture Way 669 |
Farm Worker Way 321 |
Farm Workers 534 |
New Harvest Rd 323 |
New Harvest Rd 399 |
CR846 324 |
9th St E 325 |
Pine St 326 |
Health Dept 398 |
Escambia St 617 |
Hendry St 653 |
Kissimmee St 330 |
Nassau St 331 |
Marrion Feather 332 |
Carson Rd 333 |
Eden Ave 334 |
Lake Trafford 335 |
Lake Trafford 383 |
Little League 384 |
ChristianTerrac 336 |
Bass Rd 337 |
Miraham Place 338 |
Miraham Terrace 339 |
Lake Trafford 340 |
Lake Trafford 341 |
Bush St W 342 |
Franklin Ct 343 |
Carson Rd 344 |
Marianna Way 667 |
7th Ave 665 |
Lake Trafford 377 |
8th Ave 349 |
5th Ave 350 |
Immokalee Dr 351 |
Roberts Ave 352 |
N 11th St 615 |
Roberts Center 353 |
Health Dept 398 |
E Main St 619 |
Dollar General 686 |
11th St 365 |
New Harvest Rd 367 |
Farm Worker Way 674 |
Chadwick Cir 668 |
Agriculture Way 669 |
Farm Worker Way 321 |
Farm Workers 534 |
New Harvest Rd 323 |
New Harvest Rd 399 |
CR846 324 |
9th St E 325 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Jones St 460 |
SE Eustis Ave 461 |
S 1 St 537 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
3rd St 401 |
W Main St 402 |
W Delaware Ave 357 |
Palmetto Ave 623 |
Stokes Ave 404 |
S 5th St North 405 |
Willie Harper 406 |
S 5th St S 407 |
Career Service 408 |
W Delaware Ave 358 |
Colorado Ave 359 |
Boston Ave 370 |
W Main St 371 |
Roberts Center 372 |
Roberts Center 372 |
Goodwill 374 |
5th Ave 375 |
Palm Ave 376 |
Winn-Dixie 348 |
8th Ave 670 |
Marianna Way 671 |
Crestview Dr 381 |
Bush St W 382 |
Bush St E 672 |
Lake Trafford 383 |
Little League 384 |
Lake Trafford 385 |
Miraham Terrace 386 |
Miraham Dr 387 |
Bass Rd 388 |
Lake Trafford 389 |
Eden Ave 390 |
Carson Rd 391 |
Marrion Fether 393 |
Nassau St 394 |
Kissimmee St 395 |
Washington Ave 396 |
Escambia St 673 |
Health Dept 398 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Espinal Blvd 219 |
Palm Dr 140 |
Guilford Rd 141 |
Lakewood Blvd 147 |
Thomasson Ln 146 |
Thomasson Dr 248 |
Treviso Bay Bd 249 |
Johns St 250 |
Holland St 251 |
Hardee St 252 |
Broward St 253 |
Treetops Dr 254 |
South West Blvd 255 |
Barefoot Rd 256 |
Habitat Rd 257 |
Price St 436 |
Trail Ridge Rd 636 |
Trail Ridge Rd 233 |
Koinonia Dr 234 |
Super Walmart 235 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Espinal Blvd 219 |
Palm Dr 140 |
Guilford Rd 141 |
Lakewood Blvd 147 |
Thomasson Ln 146 |
Thomasson Dr 248 |
Treviso Bay Bd 249 |
Johns St 250 |
Holland St 251 |
Hardee St 252 |
Broward St 253 |
Treetops Dr 254 |
South West Blvd 255 |
Barefoot Rd 256 |
Habitat Rd 257 |
Price St 436 |
Trail Ridge Rd 636 |
Trail Ridge Rd 233 |
Koinonia Dr 234 |
Super Walmart 235 |
Henderson Dr 437 |
Manatee 438 |
Imp Wilderness 439 |
Jery Ann Ln 440 |
Apalachee St 632 |
Sandpiper Dr 65 |
SunnyGrove Ave 659 |
SunnyGrove Ave 659 |
US 41 91 |
James Rd 634 |
Emperor Ln 625 |
Joseph Ct 633 |
Trail Ridge Rd 233 |
Koinonia Dr 234 |
Super Walmart 235 |
Celeste Dr 640 |
Lely Resort Bd 238 |
Eagle Lakes 239 |
Whistler Cove 240 |
US 41 241 |
Hardee St 242 |
Holland St 243 |
Johns St 244 |
St Andrews Blvd 526 |
St. Andrews Bd 245 |
Rattlesnake Rd 136 |
Valley Stream 246 |
Lakewood Blvd 137 |
Guilford Rd 138 |
Naples Towne Ct 247 |
Walmart US 41 139 |
GOVT Center 1 |
Panther Ln 471 |
Carribean Rd 548 |
Neopolitan Way 42 |
Park Shore 43 |
Park Shore Dr 44 |
Anchor Rode Dr 45 |
Harbour Dr 46 |
Mooring Line Dr 47 |
10th St N 162 |
Fleischman Park 163 |
Bear Paw Trl 478 |
Naples Grande 479 |
68th St SW 480 |
66th St SW 481 |
60th St SW 482 |
58th St SW 503 |
53rd St SW 205 |
50th St SW 206 |
Coronado 207 |
Sunshine Blvd 313 |
44th St SW 314 |
42nd St SW 315 |
Magnolia Pond 297 |
Super Walmart 319 |
Super Walmart 319 |
City Gate Blvd 275 |
951 308 |
43rd Ln SW 309 |
Coral Palms 310 |
Coronado Pkwy 188 |
GG Community 564 |
Hunter Blvd 543 |
54th Terrace SW 540 |
Copper Leaf Ln 218 |
60th St SW 504 |
66th St SW 505 |
68th St SW 506 |
Estuary Blvd 179 |
Freedom Park 180 |
Goodlette-Frank 49 |
High School 48 |
Golden Gate Pkw 14 |
Diana Ave 15 |
26th Ave N 16 |
Creech Rd 528 |
Ohio Dr 17 |
Michigan Ave 18 |
Shady Rest Ln 19 |
Granada Blvd 20 |
Pine Ridge Ct 553 |
Panther Ln 471 |
GG Community 564 |
Sunshine Blvd 313 |
44th St SW 314 |
42nd St SW 315 |
17th Ave Sw 276 |
Tree Farm Rd 563 |
Tuscany Cove 584 |
Esplanade Blvd 585 |
Rose Blvd 589 |
Preserve Ln 586 |
Northbrooke 645 |
The Strand 684 |
Cypress Way E 88 |
Medical Blvd 89 |
North Collier 90 |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
Livingston Park 682 |
Creekside WLinC 66 |
Goodlette 452 |
SW Health Pkwy 92 |
Veterans Park 93 |
Airport Rd 622 |
The Ln 565 |
Livingston Rd 644 |
Juliet Blvd 566 |
Oaks Blvd 627 |
Logan Blvd 590 |
Laurel Oaks 587 |
Laurel Lakes Bd 583 |
Pebblebrook Bd 588 |
Immokalee Rd 567 |
Tree Farm Rd IB 568 |
Vanderbilt Bch 628 |
951 & 3rd Ave NW 683 |
13th Ave SW 293 |
Green Blvd 664 |
20th Pl SW 295 |
Golden Gate Pkw 296 |
951 308 |
43rd Ln SW 309 |
Coral Palms 310 |
Coronado Pkwy 188 |
GG Community 564 |
Conner Park 1000 |
Wiggins Pass Beach 1001 |
Vanderbilt Beach 1002 |
Lake Trafford 536 |
Lake Trafford 377 |
8th Ave 349 |
5th Ave 350 |
Immokalee Dr 351 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Jones St 460 |
SE Eustis Ave 461 |
S 1 St 537 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
11th St 365 |
New Harvest Rd 367 |
Farm Worker Way 674 |
US 41 639 |
US 41 533 |
Manatee Rd 435 |
Shell Island Rd 511 |
Isle of Capri 521 |
N Barfield Dr 433 |
E Elkcam Cir 432 |
W Elkcam Cir 449 |
Saturn Ct 450 |
San Marco Rd 445 |
Maple Ave 517 |
Marriott 421 |
Hilton Marco 420 |
Winterberry Dr 518 |
Sandpiper 419 |
Swallow Ave 519 |
S Collier Blvd 516 |
951 and Winterberry 678 |
951 and Winterberry 678 |
Winterberry Dr 446 |
Marriott 447 |
San Marco Rd 124 |
Saturn Ct 415 |
Caribbean Ct 448 |
W Elkcam Cir 414 |
Bald Eagle Dr 413 |
E Elkcam Cir 412 |
N Barfield Dr 411 |
Isle of Capri 520 |
Mainsail Dr 538 |
Port Au Prince 512 |
Manatee Rd 410 |
Henderson Creek 409 |
Super Walmart 235 |
US41 610 |
Veronawalk Blvd 259 |
Sabal Palm Rd 260 |
Farm Way 535 |
New Harvest Rd 323 |
New Harvest Rd 399 |
CR846 324 |
9th St E 325 |
Boston Ave 361 |
Jones St 460 |
SE Eustis Ave 461 |
S 1 St 537 |
Colorado Ave 363 |
Immokalee Gvt 364 |
3rd St 401 |
Goodwill 374 |
5th Ave 375 |
Palm Ave 376 |
Winn-Dixie 348 |
Lake Trafford 536 |
© 2023 Collier Area Transit All Rights Reserved. Made by Exploritech
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