
Grievance Procedures

If a passenger is not satisfied and/or disagrees with a decision such as eligibility for a program, has a complaint about service delivery, or disagrees with a no-show/cancellation violation determination, the passenger has the option of filing a grievance or to request an appeal.

step 01

Contact the Administration
General Manager of Collier Area Transit.

The General Manager will investigate your concern and provide you a written response within 14 Days after the appeal is received.

General Manager

CAT Connect
8300 Radio Road
Naples, Florida 34104

If Step 1 is not to your satisfaction, proceed to Step 2

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your concern, then please proceed to step 2 appeal.

step 02

Contact the Collier County Public Transit &
Neighborhood Enhancement (PTNE) Division Director.

The PTNE Director will investigate your concern and provide you a written response within 14 Days after the appeal is received.

Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Director

8300 Radio Road
Naples, Florida 34104

If Step 2 is not to your satisfaction, proceed to Step 3

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your concern, then please proceed to Step 3 to 3 to file a formal grievance and request a hearing before the Grievance Committee.

step 03

Contact the Collier County
Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Request a copy of the Grievance Procedures and that a formal grievance be heard by the Local Coordinating Board (LCB) Grievance Committee. The MPO will coordinate the grievance process and schedule a grievance committee meeting. After conclusion of the grievance committee meeting, a written report will be issued outlining the grievance committee’s findings/recommendations. If the grievance is still not resolved, the complainant may request their grievance be heard by the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, as set forth in the Grievance Procedures.

Collier County Metropolitan Planning Organization Executive Director

2885 South Horseshoe Drive
Naples, Florida 34104

(p) 239.252.5814 (Front Desk)

Any person may also call the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Ombudsman at 1.800.983.2435.

Suggestions & Complaints

All complaints and suggestions about CAT Connect transportation should be reported to the Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement (PTNE) Division. Please be specific and give relevant details regarding the trip. Share concerns about specific rides or incidents as soon after the actual occurrence as possible. Every complaint will be investigated.

To go to the customer suggestion & complaint form click here.

Suggestions or complaints may also be filed at:

Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement (PTNE) Division

8300 Radio Rd.
Naples, Florida 34104
(p) 239.252.5840