Starting July 1, 2024, important changes took place regarding the way paratransit trips are booked. To coincide with available grant funding, Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) program trips are capped and prioritized based on the Local Coordinating Board’s policy and the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP). This means there may be a limited number of TD trip slots available. CATconnect will do its best to find alternate dates or times for your trip that fit within system capacity and funding availability. TD trips are based on trip efficiency, seating availability, and funding availability. The priorities are as follows:
Priority 1- Medical
Priority 2- Employment
Priority 3- Education
Priority 4- Social (agency-related activities)
Priority 5- Nutritional
Priority 6- Group Recreation
Priority 7- Personal Business
Currently, when trips are booked, they are categorized as ADA (Americans with Disability Act) or Transportation Disadvantaged (TD). ADA Trips are provided without prioritization and cannot be denied by CAT Connect.
For an ADA trip classification, the passenger must have a recognized disability (verified by an accepted medical professional confirming that the person is not able to utilize CAT’s fixed-route service) and the origin/destination must be within the ADA corridor (¾ mile of a fixed-route) within the blue lines on the map.
For trips to be classified as TD trips, the passenger must have a physical or mental disability or income status that prevents being able to drive; and the origin or destination must reside outside the ADA corridor but within Collier County. A TD passenger trip can also be classified for a child who is handicapped, high-risk or at-risk.
Please note that all subscription-based trips already in the system will be canceled, except for the trips that are booked for work, medical, and education.
Please contact us for any questions you have regarding the way paratransit trips will be booked and prioritized in our system.
We thank you for understanding.