Public Notice 5310, 5311 and 5339 v2

Public Notice
Correction to the quantity of replacement paratransit vehicles

Public Notice is hereby given that Collier County will apply to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for a capital grant under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended, for the purchase of four (4) replacement paratransit vehicles and the purchase of electronic equipment including (4) wireless routers, (4) radios and (4) tablets for new replacement vehicles. Additionally, the application includes a request for funding for expenses associated with operating the paratransit service. Collier County will apply to FDOT for a grant under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended, for the operation expenses of fixed-route services. Collier County will also apply to FDOT for a grant under Section

5339 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended for the purchase of one (1) replacement fixed-route bus and the purchase of electronic equipment including Intelligent Transportation System and (1) wireless router for new replacement vehicle and the construction of (4) bus stop improvements including bus shelters. Each of these purchases would be intended for the provision of public transit services within Collier County, FL. This notice is to provide an opportunity for a Public Hearing for these projects. This public notice is to ensure that these projects and the contemplated services will not duplicate current or proposed services provided by existing transit or paratransit operators in the area. This hearing will be conducted if and only if a written request for the hearing is received by February 12th 2025. Requests for a hearing must be sent to Brian Wells, Collier Area Transit, 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, Florida 34104 and copy to FDOT, District One Modal Development Office/Public Transit Southwest Urban Area Office at 801 North Broadway, Bartow, FL 33830. Any interested party may obtain more information about these grants by contacting the PTNE Division at (239) 252-5840 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services should contact Alexander Showalter at , Collier County Public Services Department, Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Division 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, FL 34104; (239) 252-5840.

Collier Area Transit operates in compliance with Federal Transit Administration, (FTA) program requirements and ensures that transit services are made available and equitably distributed and provides equal access and mobility to any person without regard to race, color, or national origin; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; FTA Circular 4702.1A, “Title VI and Title VI Dependent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients.” Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against on these conditions may file a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations at 850-488-7082 or 800-342-8170 (voice messaging). Collier Area Transit has a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 1.77%.

“Try Transit Day” FREE RIDES on Saturday, November 2, 2024

In honor of Mobility Week in Florida, CAT is offering FREE RIDES on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Try Transit and take a ride for FREE on any of CAT’s 16 routes in Collier County.

Saturday, November 2nd is the last day of early voting in Collier County. Ride CAT to any of the 10 early voting poll locations (click on the interactive map to see voting poll addresses and information) and cast your vote in the General Election. Visit for more information.

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Public Notice 5310 Grant Application

Public Notice is hereby given that Collier County will apply to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for a capital grant under Section 5310 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, as amended, for the purchase of three (4) expansion paratransit vehicles and the purchase of electronic equipment including (4) electronic inspection systems, (4) wireless routers, (4) radios and (4) tablets for the new vehicles. This purchases would be intended for the provision of public transit services within Collier County, FL.

This notice is to provide an opportunity for a Public Hearing for these projects. This public notice is to ensure that these projects and the contemplated services will not duplicate current or proposed services provided by existing transit or paratransit operators in the area. This hearing will be conducted if and only if a written request for the hearing is received by September 6th 2024. Requests for a hearing must be sent to Brian Wells Collier Area Transit, 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, Florida 34104 and copy to FDOT, District One Modal Development Office/Public Transit Southwest Urban Area Office at 801 North Broadway, Bartow, FL 33830. Any interested party may obtain more information about these grants by contacting the PTNE Division at (239) 252-5840 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services should contact Alexander Showalter at , Transportation Management Services Department, Public Transit & Neighborhood Enhancement Division 8300 Radio Rd, Naples, FL 34104; (239) 252-5840.

Collier Area Transit operates in compliance with Federal Transit Administration, (FTA) program requirements and ensures that transit services are made available and equitably distributed and provides equal access and mobility to any person without regard to race, color, or national origin; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; FTA Circular 4702.1A, “Title VI and Title VI Dependent Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients.” Any person who believes he/she has been discriminated against on these conditions may file a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations at 850-488-7082 or 800-342-8170 (voice messaging). Collier Area Transit has a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 2.03%

July 1, 2024- New CATconnect Booking Procedures

Starting July 1st, there will be important changes taking place regardng the way paratransit trips are booked. To coincide with available grant funding, Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) program trips will be capped and prioritized based on the Local Coordinating Board’s policy and the Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP). This means there may be a limited number of TD trip slots available, and CAT Connect will do its best to find alternate dates or times for your trip that fit within system capacity and funding availability. TD trips are based on trip efficiency, seating availability, and funding availability. The priorities are as follows:

Priority 1- Medical
Priority 2- Employment
Priority 3- Education
Priority 4- Social (agency-related activities)
Priority 5- Nutritional
Priority 6- Group Recreation
Priority 7- Personal Business

Currently, when trips are booked, they are categorized as ADA (Americans with Disability Act) or Transportation Disadvantaged (TD). ADA Trips are provided without prioritization and cannot be denied by CAT Connect.

For an ADA trip classification, the passenger must have a recognized disability (verified by an accepted medical professional confirming that the person is not able to utilize CAT’s fixed-route service) and the origin/destination must be within the ADA corridor (¾ mile of a fixed-route) within the blue lines on the map.

ADA Corridor Map
ADA Corridor Map

For trips to be classified as TD trips, the passenger must have a physical or mental disability or income status that prevents being able to drive; and the origin or destination must reside outside the ADA corridor but within Collier County. A TD passenger trip can also be classified for a child who is handicapped, high-risk or at-risk.

Please note that all subscription-based trips already in the system will be canceled, except for the trips that are booked for work, medical, and education.

Please contact us for any questions you have regarding the way paratransit trips will be booked and prioritized in our system.
We thank you for understanding.

The Public Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) has one vacancy.

The Public Transit Advisory Committee (PTAC) has one vacancy.

Applicants are sought in the categories of: Transportation and planning professionals, health care services, and transit riders. This seven-member committee makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners in matters related to transit policies, issues, programs, and plans to provide mass transit services to the citizens of Collier County. Terms are three years.

How to Apply:

To apply for an advisory committee vacancy, submit an application online at After you complete the application, click on “Submit Form.” To receive an immediate e-mail confirmation that your application was received, you must include your e-mail address in the application.

Residents interested in applying for advisory committee positions may also obtain an application by calling 239-252-8400.
Please email to, or mail to: Advisory Board Coordinator, County Attorney’s Office, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 800, Naples, Florida 34112.

CAT’s Off-Season Schedule Begins on Sunday, April 28, 2024

CAT’s Off-Season schedule begins on Sunday, April 28, 2024. View the new route schedules in advance.

Download the Transit app to purchase bus passes, plan your trip and to view the buses along the routes live and in real-time.

Try Transit Day on Saturday, April 20, 2024

In honor of Earth Day, Collier Area Transit is offering FREE RIDES all day on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Leave the cars at home and let Collier Area Transit take you where you want to go, for FREE.

Download the Transit app to view route schedules and to plan your trip. Sit back, relax and let CAT drive you to your destination while you contribute to a healthier environment by riding public transportation.

Try Transit in Collier County on Saturday, April 20th!

CAT’s Perk Pass

Collier Area Transit’s Perk Pass Program allows eligible employers to offer a discounted monthly bus pass to their employees. The reduced cost, $29.75, is a 25% savings compared to the regular $40 fee. An employee bus pass issued under the terms of this program may be used for the unrestricted travel seven days per week, excluding the 6 major holidays identified within our schedules as well as express routes.

To receive your Perk Pass transit pass, complete a registration form and submit it at the time of purchase. Those who enroll can input their RideCAT account information on the registration form and have the pass sent to their RideCAT mobile account. For those wanting a physical card, if you are a first-time buyer or have lost your Smart Card, the purchase of a new card will be necessary at a cost of $2.00.

Collier Area Transit’s Perk Pass Program is available to employers with over 250 employees in Collier County. The program reduces the fare for a monthly bus pass to employees by 25%, resulting in savings on auto maintenance, fuel, and time back in an employee’s commute.

There are multiple benefits other than just the savings on the pass; those who use public transportation typically have a healthier lifestyle, taking 30% more steps daily than those who rely on cars, which may result in reduced healthcare costs as well. Those who participate will also contribute to the reduction of air pollution and congestion on the local roads in Collier County.

Perk Pass EMPLOYER Enrollment Form

Perk Pass EMPLOYEE Enrollment Form

Students! Buy Your Summer Paw Pass Now!

Collier Area Transit is offering students unlimited rides this summer, from June 1st to August 31st, 2024, for $30.

Buy your Summer Paw Pass today on the Transit app, in the transfer stations or through the “Purchase A Bus Pass” link on the homepage (as of May 13, 2024).

Summer Paw Pass holders will receive FREE ADMISSION to the Naples Botanical Garden, through August 31, 2024.

Welcome to the transit app, CAT’s official planning app!

Follow your ride in real-time with the Transit app. Get real-time information, alerts, service updates and directions all from the Transit app on your mobile device.

It’s simple and easy to use. Skip the Map and Get the App! Download it today in the Apple Store or Google Play Store.